Curious minds might want to know

Intl Shipping We do ship internationally and give our best quote through our on-line system, however we reserve the right to advise you if the price differential is larger than what we expected (we aren't going to bother you over a couple dollars for an intl order) and give you the option to pay the difference or cancel your order. 

Shipping Costs Also if we find out that our shipping price internationally or domestic is cheaper than what we had quoted, we will refund you some dollars and happily ship you.  

We are not trying to make money on shipping, but we don't want to lose a great deal of money in shipping either.  

Shipping Materials:  We actually enjoy getting your orders and packing them up.  Kinda like living vicariously. We do reuse some packing materials to make sure your items arrive safely and in one piece.  We hope you don't mind when we reuse materials we wouldn't mind being shipped.  We think it helps the environment and it helps keep our prices reasonable.

Canceling Orders:  We really do want you to be happy with shopping with us, but we do reserve the right to cancel orders if need.  Of course we will fully refund your money.