THIS NIGHT is a Japanese inspired sock brand created out of the imagination of artist Kate Williamson after a year of residency in Japan.  She marveled at the color and patterns of Japanese socks.

Kate is from a sock industry city of Reading, Pennsylvania and her hometown team partnered with her to develop this graphic, high quality, lovely sock line.  Unfortunately this factory had to shut down, so Kate moved the production of THIS NIGHT to a high quality factory in North Carolina.

The name for the brand THIS NIGHT comes from the Tale of Genji, a famous Japanese book.

      If only I could show them to someone who knows,
            this moon, these flowers, this night that should not be wasted.

                  – Minamoto Nobuakira, Gosenshu
                     (trans. by Edward G. Seidensticker in The Tale of Genji)

Quality, beauty, knowing that your socks are supporting people's craft, these are the details that bring beauty to your feet.  You will know.


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